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Kerberos 101

Tags: active-directory, kerberos

Kerberos Series: Kerberos 101

This post is part-3 of the Auror Project hosted by Sudarshan Pisupati.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Kerberos

  2. How does authentication through Kerberos work

  3. Kerberos Flows

    1. Logon Ticket Flow
    2. Service Ticket Flow
  4. Kerberos Flows in Action

    1. User login to Machine-B
    2. User tries to access file server
  5. Final Thoughts

What is Kerberos

Kerberos is a network authentication protocol developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The protocol was named after “Cerberus”, the three headed dog in Greek Mythology. Kerberos is designed for a client-server model and provide secure authentication over a network. Windows 2000 and later versions use Kerberos as the default authentication method.

How does authentication through Kerberos work

Authentication through Kerberos happens through a Key Distribution Center(KDC) which is a service running on the Active Directory(AD) Domain Controllers(DC).

The main components in the Kerberos Authentication Process are

  1. Authentication Service(AS) - Authenticate users when they attempt to access a service (example: user trying to access file server)

  2. Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) - is the Kerberos ticket for the Ticket Granting Service (runs on the KDC) and is encrypted using the KDC key

  3. Ticket Granting Service (TGS) - When the user’s TGT is presented to the Domain Controller (DC) it determines if the TGT is valid and issues a resource access ticket (TGS) which can be used to access the target resource (example: File server)

Every service in the Kerberos realm has a Service Principal Name (SPN) and every user in the AD domain will have a User Principal Name (UPN). For any service the SPN can be configured using the setSPN command.

File serveracme.corpcifs/host1.acme.corp
Aliceacme.corp[email protected]

Kerberos Flows

There are two important flows that we discuss here

  1. Logon Ticket flow
  2. Service Ticket flow

The sequence diagram tries to provide an overview of both the flows


Logon Ticket flow (TGT Flow)

  1. User logs into a computer that is joined to the domain “acme.corp” using the Active Directory username and password.
  2. The computer creates a hash of the password when the user is logged in successfully.
  3. Kerberos authentication is initiated by sending the PREAUTH ( timestamp encrypted with the hash of the password)
  4. The user account ([email protected]) requests a TGT with the PREAUTH data. This process is also known as Authentication Service Request or AS-REQ
  5. The Key Distribution Center (KDC) validates the PREAUTH data and issues a Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT). This process is also known as Authentication Service Response or AS-REP
  6. The TGT contains Privileged Attribute Certificate (PAC) which has the list of security groups of the user.
  7. The TGT is signed and encrypted by the kerberos service account “krbtgt” of the domain.
  8. The contents of the TGT can be read only by the “krbtgt” service account which will be used as a reference during the kerberos attacks discussed later.


Service Ticket flow (TGS flow)

In this flow , the TGT will be used as a proof of identity while requesting access to a resource

  1. When the user attempts to access a fileserver in the domain,the TGT is presented to the KDC requesting a resource access ticket (TGS). This process is also known as TGS-REQ
  2. The Domain Controller determines if the TGT is valid.
  3. If the TGT is valid,it generates a service ticket (TGS). The service ticket is encrypted using secret key of the service and the session key generated by TGS. This process is also known as TGS-REP
  4. The user’s computer sends the user’s service ticket (TGS) to the file server (CIFS service).
  5. The resource service(CIFS) validates the TGS by decrypting the TGS component encrypted using the service’s session key.
  6. The resource service may send the TGS to KDC to validate the user’s group membership present in the PAC.
  7. The service review’s the user’s group membership and determines the level of access that can be provided to the user.
  8. It then allows the user to access the resource (file server).

Kerberos Flows in Action

To view these flows in action

setspn -s cifs/aurordc.auror.local aurordc

PS C:\Users\Administrator> setspn -s cifs/aurordc.auror.local aurordc
Checking domain DC=auror,DC=local

Registering ServicePrincipalNames for CN=AURORDC,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=auror,DC=local
Updated object

NOTE: The SPN list has been truncated and only the file server we added is presented in the output below.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> setspn -L aurordc
Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=AURORDC,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=auror,DC=local:
  1. User Alice (auror\alice) will login to Machine-B which is joined to Domain (auror.local)

  2. User Alice will then map the file share to S:\ drive.

  3. User Alice will access S:\ drive.

User login to Machine-B

  1. When the user login to Machine-B, the client sends an AS-REQ to the Authentication Server we can find the below packets when analyzed through Wireshark
Field nameContent
pdataIt is called “Pre-Authentication Data”. The client inserts a time stamp here and encrypt it with the client password to avoid replay attacks
cnameClient (user) name to be authenticated
realmDomain Name
SNameService Name being requested
tillexpiration time of the ticket being requested
etypeencryption type the client supports


  1. The Authentication server responds with AS-REP packet to the client. The AS-REP packet contains a TGT (which is encrypted by krbtgt) and a session key


  1. We can view the TGT cached on Machine-B by issuing the command klist tgt | more in Powershell


User tries to access file-server

  1. User tries to map the file server to a drive on Machine-B and access the contents of the drive.




Final Thoughts